Hiyaaaa. So with Christmas only just around the corner, I thought it would be handy to pop a couple of v last minute, super easy and incredibly quick canape ideas together for ya. You know, for when the unexpected guest “pops in” or if you wanna feel fancy AF when hosting without any actual fanciness at all… All it takes is a teeny bit of prep and voila. Canapes for everyone! Let’s do this!

Firstly, HOW bloody cute are these. WHO knew that a baked new potato could look so friggin’ adorable. Well, now we do and they make the perfectttt mini savoury treat! All you need to do is pierce your mini jacket, pop it in the oven for around 45 minutes. Let it cool, then slice the top and add your filling! We went for a cheese and chive vibe and they were DELISH.

oh HELLO. Now, this is what I’m talking about! The “you literally can’t go wrong with it” canape. All you need is a baguette, some brie, cranberry sauce and a lil rosemary… Layer it up, pop it under the grill for a couple of mins and watch it melt away before adding your rosemary. HOW yum.

The Christmas classic. The salmon & cream cheese bellini, good god they’re heaven. Another one for the last minute lovers out there. Take your bellini, layer with your cream cheese and salmon and season with salt, pepper and fresh lemon juice and there you have it! The dreamiest of dreamy festive snacks. Absolute heaven. ALSO, top tip, if you can’t find bellinis or fancy a lil DIY we actually made ours ourself and they were SO easy. I’ll link a recipe > here <

I mean. COME ON. Just look at these beauts… What more could you want in a lil sweet treat, than chocolate, glitter and marshmallows, hey? They’re soso easy to make and taste friggin’ incredible. All you need is chocolate, marshmallows and if you fancy being even more OTT like we did, edible glitter too. Melt your chocolate, dip in your marshmallows and spray with your edible glitter before letting cool on a plate in the fridge. Yumyumyum.

And last but absolutely not least we’ve got Sea Salt & Dark Chocolate Oranges. These are bloody fantastic. They taste even better than they look and are such an easy thing to throw together with what you’ve most probably already got in the fridge! Melt your chocolate, dip your orange segments in half way and then lay on a plate and sprinkle with sea salt. Pop in the fridge to cool and there ya have it! Woo!!